
Charlie’s work rejects the traditional standards of composition and design, and provokes a tense and playful display of the figure. He combines the virtues of Neo-Expressionism and Cubism with elements of Graphic Design to create paintings that often reflect an abstract representation of contemporary life, culture and entertainment. Subjects range from twisted characters seen on the media to common culture personalities and these ideas generally include characteristics that come from a deep personal place that struggles on depicting the emotions of others and ourselves.


         Growing up I was never introduced to Art in any shape or form. There was art diversity, but I didn’t really comprehend what it was like to be an Artist. It was not until I went to college in the United States that I started to enjoy art making, resulting in doing  mostly studio work such as paintings and sculptures. After a couple years of art studies I also developed Digital and Animation skills.

These are the mediums I use to create my work and part of the process is to deliver expressionistic concepts and ideals by intertwining these mediums together to create something authentic. My work consists of figurative expressive paintings that consider the human figure, the state of mind and the physiological thinking towardsmodern things that makes us view people as people